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SurveyAct Help Center

E-mail Subscription

Use this question for respondents to sign up to be a part of a contact group that regularly receives your surveys.

To Create this Question

  1. Enter the question heading in the ‘Question Text’ box. To go to the next line, press shift+enter. To change the formatting of your question, see Rich Text Editor.
  2. Choose the e-mail group that you would like respondents who fill out the form to be subscribed to
  3. The default field labels are e-mail address, first name, last name. The responses to these fields will be automatically saved in your e-mail groups.
  4. Choose your optional settings from the right hand side of the question editor
  5. To add the question to your survey, click Save.

Optional Settings

  • Change Question Size & Placement
  • Require Answer to Question
​Tip: It is a good idea to include a message in the question box explaining to respondents that by providing you with their contact information, they are agreeing to receive future surveys from you.

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