Cross Tab Analysis
If you would like to compare two or more variables side by side, you can use our powerful cross tab feature. In statistical terms, a cross tabulation displays the joint distribution of two or more variables. A report shown in Cross Tab mode will be displayed as a table, where each column represents the respondents who selected a particular answer choice. This feature is useful to help you answer questions such as:
- What percentage of males purchased an item at our store?
- Are males more satisfied with our products than females?
You can view the interaction between two questions and a distribution of how users responded to both of them.
How to Create a Cross Tab Report
In order to create a cross tabbed report, you must create a report with at least one filter.
- Click on the Reports icon on the top right of your screen, or click Reports in the sidebar.
- Locate the survey that you want to report on, and click New Report. (If you click on the reporting icon while in a specific survey, only that survey will be displayed. To view another survey, click the reporting icon on the top right of your screen).
- In the dialog box that appears, give your report a name that will help you refer back to it.
- Check the box labeled Apply Cross Tab Banner Configuration
- Add filters that correspond to the respondents that you want to compare.
- Click Save & View and the report you created will be displayed in the Report Viewer.
You can view any previously created report in Cross Tab mode by switching the Cross Tab On/Off switch at the top of the report viewer to ON.
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