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SurveyAct Help Center

Advanced Settings

To access advanced settings, click Edit Settings, which appear to the right of your survey title in the Editor. 

Logo: To upload a logo that will be displayed to respondents on the top of your survey, click Choose File and select your image from the browser and click open. If you want your logo to appear without a background, upload it as a PNG file type. 

Ideal logo size is 300 x 100 pixels. If you need to resize your logo, you can use

Progress Bar: You can choose to show respondents a progress bar that tracks their progress through the survey. 

  • To display the progress bar, check the boy next to Show Progress Bar. If this box is unchecked, the progress bar will not be displayed.
  • To change the color of the progress bar, click on Choose Color or enter in a hex code in the box.


Navigation: By default, your survey will have a Next, Finish and Exit This Survey link. To change the labels for these options, simply type in your own text over the existing text. You can also choose to hide the exit link completely by unchecking the box next to Show Exit Link.


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