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SurveyAct Help Center

How can I subscribe contacts to a list?

A: You can use SurveyAct’s E-mail Subscription question type to allow respondents to sign up to be a part of a contact group that regularly receives your surveys.

  1. Create a new survey and add an E-mail Subscription question, or add it to an existing survey.
  2. In the question editor, enter the question text and choose the e-mail group that you would like respondents who fill out the form to be subscribed to.

The default field labels are e-mail address, first name, last name. The responses to these fields will be automatically saved in your chosen e-mail group and can be used to send future surveys via E-mail Campaigns.

It is a good idea to include a message in the question box explaining to respondents that by providing you with their contact information, they are agreeing to receive future surveys from you.

You can use Page Jump rules if you want to only allow certain respondents to subscribe to your surveys.